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An Atlantean Triumvirate Page 13

  “Revered lady, it is the Nucleus’ purpose to accumulate knowledge. Please continue.”

  “Our forces have uncovered two bases of operations; one in Central America and one in the south of Greenland.”

  “Excuse our interruption but may we confirm where Central America and Greenland are? It is important that the Nucleus understands everything and our data is inconsistent regarding the limits of these regions.”

  “Do you have a map?” asked Jane, slightly impatiently. This was taking forever.

  “Certainly revered lady,” replied the blue figure reaching towards her, a two foot globe of the world turning gently in its outstretched palm vibrant in emerald greens and aqua blues. “Will this suffice?”

  The Nucleus never ceased to amaze Jane. The detail of the globe was unbelievably intricate with every coastline shown with a pinpoint accuracy that hurt the eye. Jane saw islands and lands in the Pacific that she was certain were not in any atlas she had ever seen. Briefly she wondered how the Nucleus could have such a map if it had been trapped under the sea for all those thousands of years.

  “Here,” she said, pointing a gloved hand, “That’s Central America. The exact location of the base is top secret so I can’t be any more accurate. And there. That’s Greenland. The ice base is just south of it about there.”

  “Our thanks,” said the Nucleus. Jane noticed lines rearranging themselves on the globe before it winked out of existence as the Nucleus straightened up. “Please continue.”

  “As I said, the Americans have bases of operations on those two locations. And it was there we found those creatures. The Americans have been experimenting on them, dissecting them.”

  The Nucleus was silent, an imposing shining semi transparent monolith.

  “So,” said Jane. “Do you know anything about these creatures?”

  The Nucleus stood silent and unmoving as lights danced and raced across its body. From experience Jane knew it was thinking, assimilating and processing the information she had given it, cross referencing details with the millions of others stored within its memory banks.

  Jane jumped as the Nucleus moved, crossing its legs so it hovered in mid air. A story, Jane thought. I don’t want a story, I want answers! Despite herself she crossed her legs and sat on the cool floor. The Nucleus’ stories were always interesting.

  “In the dark final days of the great kingdom that was Atlantis, the Tuatha de Danaan fled their homeland desperate to avoid the slaughter that the other six tribes conspired to inflict on them. Many of the Tuatha de Danaan fled to the east but the last of them sailed north into the lands of snow and ice, fearing that they would be followed and that they would lead the other tribes to the refugees. The last to flee were the Tuatha de Danaan military, the soldiers that fought the last desperate rear guard actions against the overwhelming forces of the other six tribes, those who fought to secure the future of their people.”

  The Nucleus paused, as if preparing itself for the rest of the story.

  “Our information is poor. We do not wholly understand or know what happened and the details we have stored are tales and recollections of travellers’ stories. Up until now we have not been able to determine if they have any truth in them. The information you, revered lady, have provided has led us to believe that there is now an element of truth in the stories we have. What we are certain of is that those last soldiers of the Tuatha de Danaan were the best that could be mustered, all determined to fight to the death to ensure their women and children could escape.”

  “The battles they fought were short and bloody as the Tuatha waged a guerrilla war against the military superiority of the six tribes. In the end the Tuatha achieved their aim and their women and children escaped. Several thousand soldiers remained and it was they that travelled north, to Greenland, using what vessels they could find. Faced with a harsh frozen land vastly different from the warm and lush climes they were used to on Atlantis, the soldiers blasted out great underground halls beneath the frozen earth. This was how they managed to survive the deluge that the Tuatha generals unleashed on the planet destroying their homeland. Despite surviving and destroying their enemies, the Tuatha soldiers held a deep bitterness towards Atlantis and decided they would take steps to ensure their superiority over the survivors of the other tribes. The Tuatha were far sighted and realised that there was a good chance they would not live to see their dream bear fruit. And so…. And so….”

  The Nucleus hesitated. Jane could not understand how such a thing was possible. She couldn’t understand how an object, a machine could have emotions. But emotions the Nucleus had, its voice held a tremor, whether from fear or disgust, Jane found it hard to tell. The Nucleus visibly gathered itself and continued its tale.

  “And so the Tuatha created a machine, an engine, to hold their memories and continue their fight against the Atlantean tribes. In a way the machine they created was very much like us, another Nucleus. The difference is that we are an artificial intelligence, the result of complex arrays of mathematical algorithms and equations. We are the Nucleus. The Tuatha engine holds the thought patterns of the original warriors that fled Atlantis, immortalising them within the memory banks of the machine. Its intelligence is wholly non artificial, being able to call on the thought processes of all the warriors it assimilated. The Tuatha called their machine the Core.”

  Jane was getting impatient. The Nucleus was always interesting but it often took a hugely roundabout way to the subject at hand. She didn’t understand what the Tuatha de Danaan had to do with the creatures. But then the Nucleus finally came to the point.

  “The Tuatha de Danaan had amongst them the some of the most significant gene doctors to come out of the imperial Atlantean academies. It was they that aided the creation of the Core in what you call Greenland. It was they that created the creatures that you show on the pictograph you have provided. The Tuatha knew that once they were gone the Core would be undefended, open to attack and looting by anyone that uncovered it so to ensure it’s defence they created their guardians.

  “Around 65 million years ago, many millions of months before the first great human empires sprawled across the planet, there was a catastrophe that wiped out a race that had dominated for aeons. From the information you have provided us over the past months, we understand you call them the dinosaurs. Some of this great elder race survived the catastrophe either due to luck or geographical conditions favouring them. And so it was that the Atlantean warriors came across a tribe of the ancients, in the grasslands of the continent north of Central America. Our scientists’ curiosity was piqued and several of the animals were captured and placed in captivity for observation. The scientists called them Khadrae, Curved Dagger Feet, because the Khadrae had large curved claws on the middle toes of their feet. The Khadrae were, and are, highly intelligent hunters. They are quick, vicious and work in packs overpowering their prey quickly and efficiently before devouring them. In the latter days of the war their prospective use in the attack was realised and the gene doctors created a more vicious and muscular Khadrae that could only be controlled by the psychic orders from the Priests of War. Perhaps fortunately for the future of the human race, the use of Khadrae was limited as the Atlantean warriors viewed it an affront to their own prowess to be replaced by what amounted to them as a mere animal.

  “The creatures that your fighting forces came across within Atlantis were probably in the great institution that was called The War Factory by the citizens of Atlantis. It was there that the Khadrae were initially manufactured by the gene doctors. It was there that the Tuatha gene doctors learned their trade and it is highly likely that it was from there that they salvaged the raw materials needed to produce more of the Khadrae needed to guard the Core from any interference.”

  Jane adjusted herself. It was uncomfortable sitting on the hard floor cross legged. Her legs had gone to sleep. But still she listened.

  “Revered lady, you will be wondering how the Khadrae will be controlled after all
these many months. The Nucleus does not like to speculate. However, it is safe to say the Core holds the thought processes of the Tuatha Priests of War and through them the Core can control the Khadrae.”

  Jane had to stand. Her legs were agony and she had to think about what she had been told. She muttered a distracted apology to the Nucleus who bowed.

  “Let me get this straight,” Jane said “The Americans have at the very least uncovered the underground complex that the Tuatha created. At worst they have found this ‘Core’. At best they’ve captured some Khadrae. At the very worst they are working with the Core.”

  Jane turned to face the Nucleus which stood silently.

  “Well,” Jane snapped, “Am I correct? If I am then who is controlling the Khadrae here on Atlantis? You? Or perhaps the Core is here as well. Maybe you are controlling the Khadrae and inventing the Core.” Jane knew she had overstepped the mark before the words were even out of her mouth but she couldn't stop herself.

  The Nucleus deepened in colour to dark, almost blood, red. It seemed to grow and tower over Jane like a malignant spirit.

  “Revered lady, you would do well to address us with more respect. We are not a pet to be scolded when you think it has done wrong. Because we appear alone does not mean that we are without protection. We are the power in Atlantis. Not you nor your Empire. We.”

  Jane could hear the pounding of British Army issue boots running down the corridor towards her and the Nucleus. There was a series of hissing sounds as if something was searing the air and the running stopped.

  “Remember that Jane Archer. We hold the power.”

  Jane stepped back out of the room into the corridor which stank of burning flesh. A squad of five Royal Marines lay on the ground, smoke rising from blackened wounds branded into their bodies. Jane couldn’t see what had fired on the unfortunate soldiers.

  She stepped back into the room with the Nucleus which still glowed redly.

  “That was unnecessary,” she said coldly, surprising herself at how steady her voice was. “Not to mention nothing short of downright murder.”

  “It was merely a demonstration revered lady. Do not underestimate us. Certainly do not compare us to that such as the Core.”

  The Nucleus cooled down to its normal blue shade which made it seem far less threatening. It didn’t loom as menacingly either Jane thought.

  “And to answer your question, we agree that it would appear that the Americans have discovered the Core. Your presumptions are all correct. At this moment we are lacking data to correlate a sufficient conclusion defining the extent the Americans have contact with the Core.”

  “Can you hypothesise?” asked Jane curiously ignoring the acrid burning smell that was drifting into the room.

  “We can suggest multiple conclusions depending on the data with which we have been supplied.”

  “Suppose the Core is now planning to take its revenge on the descendants of the six tribes. The entire human race is descended from the Atlantean tribes. Is this correct?” Jane made sure you asked politely this time.

  “The vast majority of humankind today is descended from Atlantis, yes.”

  “So it can be said that the whole world is at danger,” Jane mused. “How would the Tuatha, or indeed any Atlantean tribe, normally react when faced with a superior enemy?”

  “The tribe would seek to make alliances with other tribes to make their hand stronger and more forceful.”

  “Do you think it possible the Core would ally itself with the Americans?”

  “In the short term that is a possibility. The Core does not have the same capabilities that we, the Nucleus, have. It will be blind in a world that has changed beyond its recognition. It will need information on everything that has occurred over the past hundred and forty thousand months. We speculate that if the Americans could provide the Core with the information it desires then an alliance is likely.”

  “Damn. I was afraid you would say that. What aid could the Core give the Americans?”

  “The Core contains the thought patterns of some of the best gene doctors ever to bless the fair islands of Atlantis. The Tuatha de Danaan may also have linked the Core to their archive history memory banks and so it will have access to much the same data as we have. We hypothesise that the Core will provide details of weapons and know how so the Americans could make them. We also fear that the Core has allowed the Americans to initiate a breeding programme.”

  “A breeding programme?” asked Jane uncomprehendingly. “You don’t mean the Khadrae?” she added before remembering Murdoch had mentioned such a programme was operating in Utah.

  The Nucleus was quiet for several seconds.

  “Yes, the Khadrae. The Khadrae are efficient and expendable ground troops more than capable of dealing with a human in hand to hand combat.”

  “But you said the Khadrae were manufactured by the gene doctors. Created from raw materials.”

  “Indeed. But you must remember that the Khadrae were originally living animals that were adapted by the gene doctors. They are still capable of reproduction.”

  Jane thought this through. An army of Khadrae was difficult to envisage. God’s sake! If Nightshade Division had problems with them what chance would the average soldier have?

  “The Khadrae will still have to be transported. The British military can easily cope with the transports. Our dreadnaughts are the most lethal fighting machines on Earth.”

  If Jane had been talking to a human she would have described the following silence as uncomfortable and would have expected the person to be looking at their feet while twiddling their thumbs.

  “Revered lady. If the Core is providing the Americans with plans for advanced weaponry then your precious dreadnaughts will stand little chance against them and their beam weapons.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that the British Empire has no chance? An Empire that covers a quarter of the world’s land mass? Our dreadnaughts are the greatest fighting machines the world has ever seen. They can destroy entire armies by themselves. So what if the Americans have managed to make a few. We’ll take them down easily enough.”

  “Your patriotism does you credit revered lady. However you forget that Atlantean technology is far beyond your ken. The Tuatha de Danaan nearly destroyed all life on this planet with one of their weapons. You should fear what the Core is telling the Americans. Once it has achieved its aims it will dispose of them.”

  Jane’s nostrils wrinkled as they picked up the smell of burnt flesh again. The Nucleus was right. The Marines out in the corridor hadn’t made a sound as they died. The Nucleus knew the capabilities of Atlantean technology. It had all the details stored in that prodigious memory.

  “Will you be able to help us?” Jane asked quietly, feeling the weight of expectation on her shoulders. If the Nucleus wouldn’t agree then its prediction of defeat for the British Empire would probably be realised.

  The Nucleus sat in silence. The blue figure uncrossed its legs and stood, still hovering a foot above the black circle in the middle of the room.

  “The Nucleus was only meant to store knowledge for future generations. We were to aid their progress, guide them along the correct path and ensure they lived peacefully and prosperously. We are not here to provide you with weapons to allow you to destroy others even if it is to ensure your own survival. We will have to ponder this revered lady. This is a very difficult decision for us.”

  This was not what Jane had expected to hear. She had expected a yes or no.

  “When can you give me your decision?”

  “Soon. We will let you know. We would suggest you retire to your submersible for a rest period.”

  Jane nodded before turning and walking back to the Renown, apprehension dogging her every step. MI7 would need to be informed of this new turn of events. The Nucleus was not as kind and benevolent as they had originally thought. Jane had a feeling it would turn against them if its objectives so required, something that had not even been considered.
She wondered how powerful the Nucleus really was and if it had any resources outside its prodigious intellect, another thing that hadn’t been considered. Where had it got the maps detailed enough to display the world globe it had produced for her? She also realised that it had not answered her question over who controlled the Khadrae on Atlantis. She did not think it was the Nucleus though as it had seemed too shocked at the sight of the photo plate. But if the Khadrae in Atlantis were not controlled by the Nucleus or the Core, then who? Who was the third member of this Atlantean Triumvirate?

  “Ma’am! Where’s your escort?” asked the sergeant on guard duty at the airlock into the Renown.

  “They’re dead,” she replied flatly noting the sergeant’s surprise. “The bodies are outside the Nucleus’ amphitheatre. Be very careful when you go to pick them up.”

  “Of course, ma’am,” said the sergeant nodding to the corporal behind him who rushed off to detail a recovery party. Miss Archer could be a cold fish but he sensed that she was upset and did not probe further.

  Jane was just about to head to the bridge when she remembered something.

  “Sergeant, if anything happens or you receive reports of anything, well… unusual, please have me notified immediately.”

  “Certainly ma’am. Funny you should ask me that though. I’ve received observations of unidentified submersibles sailing around the forcefield. I’m just filing the report right this minute.”

  “What? American? Foreign?”

  “No one saw any insignia on them. They were fast though, ma’am. One second they were there and the next they were gone.”

  “Thank you sergeant. Please have a copy of the report sent to my quarters.”

  Without waiting for a reply, Jane strode away deep in thought as she automatically took the fastest route to the bridge. Even so, it was still nearly fifteen minutes of working her way through the network of corridors and lifts before she stepped onto the large plush bridge.